This catalogue presents the main axis within the entirety of Ruth Dorrit Yacoby's art: the journey from the great, thick darkness, through awaking of the heart and a birth of new life of healing and hope. The sounds of death transform into the powers of life. The lament transforms into poetry.
The journey begins in The Land of Deads, a place devoid of all sound and color, death permeates everything, the graves within the letters, the signs of forgotten souls. And from the place where everything ends and nothing can begin—the blue child was born. There was so much sorrow, that he had to come and heal those requiring healing and bring solace to those in mourning.
The Heart is life's promise to existence. It contains oppositions, making for life in the shadow of the memory of death. It is born at the center, enabling the existence of the Land of the Living. Birth is a passage and a fissure in existence, like death.
The Land of the Living is the finish line of the journey; it spans it in its entirety. It spans all the elements on the way, of times and stations; it encapsulates death and birth, suffering, consolation and lamentation. The Land of the Living is the source and the point of genesis, the time of beginnings, a place where everything commences; an originary time of life, of joy, the vivid colors and the song born from the heartstrings, from the root of the soul.
Life is chaos and art, order and separation, infinite birth and creation, disintegration and growth, the rift and the mending, the circles that were broken open and re-stitched. The essence of the journey is reconciliation, healing, and forgiveness. The essence of life is compassion; without it, life becomes extinct.
Scenes from the film "The Woman of the Thousand Voices" by Amram Jacoby:
The ladder from the abyss
Painting the tree of life
The children who were lost in solt